Tickets are on sale!

Join Us for an Evening of Impact and Celebration

Join us for an unforgettable evening celebrating and supporting all NBGC youth—fueling programs in athletics, after-school activities, summer camp, and leadership development.

Event Details


Sponsorship Opportunities

Platinum: $10,000

Diamond: $5,000

Gold: $2,500

Silver: $1,500

Bronze: $1,000

Support NBGC – Place an Ad in Our Gala Program! NBGC

Join us in celebrating the legacy of the Neighborhood Boys & Girls Club by placing an ad in our 2025 NBGC Gala Program Book! Whether you’d like to promote your business, honor a team from your NBGC days, or pay tribute to a loved one who was part of our club’s history, this is a meaningful way to show your support.

Your ad will be seen by hundreds of NBGC supporters, helping to ensure that future generations continue to experience the same life-changing opportunities.

Full-page, color ad: $500

Half-page, color ad: $250

Quarter-page, color ad: $100

Digital, color ad: $50

Thrilling Grand Prize & Exclusive Raffles!

Sponsorship Opportunities