In a few months the Neighborhood Boys & Girls Club will celebrate its 90th Anniversary. It is a custom for club alum and their families from all eras to gather every five years and spend an evening of reacquainting, reminiscing and reveling with stories of days gone by.
Records show the tradition began in 1940. At the time the event was called the “Father and Son Banquet”. The program from the 1941 event indicates it was the Second Annual.
As the club’s success continued, so did the celebrations. Banquet halls were full of NBGCers, some seeing teammates for the first time in many years, others still active in current club programs, having a night out with family and friends. In 2006, when the club celebrated its Diamond Anniversary, the program was a bound book, including summaries of each decade.
Diamond Anniversary Book Excerpt The 1930’s
In 2011, as part of the 80th Anniversary celebration, NBGC inducted the first eight members to its newly established Hall of Fame. The inductees included; Robert Buehler, Dick Valentin, Richard Brandon, Fr. Ray Baumhart, Jim Kartheiser, Bob Hoellen, Gene Schulter and Ralph Stahl.

A combined Anniversary and Hall of Fame Induction celebration has been an annual event ever since. There are currently 60 members of the Hall of Fame.
90th Anniversary Banquet and Hall of Fame Inductions
On October 30, 2021 the Neighborhood Boys & Girls Club will celebrate its 90th Anniversary and induct eight new members into the Hall of Fame. The event will be at the White Eagle Event and Convention Center in Niles, Illinois. During the next several weeks the NBGC Blog will be updated with pictures and other archives from past events. Be sure to take time to enjoy the memories. More importantly, make plans with your family and friends to join teammates for a wonderful night to celebrate the NBGC!